The ModMind program grew from the experience of its core creator, Soryu Forall. He has been a dedicated mindfulness practitioner for over 24 years and since 2008 he has taught mindfulness to youth through classroom visits and his innovative after school programs like Mind the Music. Having seen and practiced many strategies for teaching mindfulness, Soryu concluded that empowering classroom teachers to become mindfulness teachers led to the most sustainable success for students. In 2011, with a team of mindfulness experts and public school teachers and students, ModMind was created specifically to break through the obstacles common for teachers new to mindfulness.
More than 1,100 educators have used ModMind in 16 U.S. states, Germany, Australia, and Canada.
In 2015 the ModMind team began to partner with individuals, schools, and organizations to provide customized online programs. Through these partnerships, others can use the power of our online platform with their own custom teaching material. We’re very excited to be working to help other mindfulness teachers with our technology, so please contact us for more details.

Soryu Forall
Soryu grew up watching the destruction of life on earth and found it unacceptable. As a teen he began looking for teachers to help him face the problem directly. After searching he found a true Zen Master in Shodo Harada Roshi. He trained with Roshi as well as other teachers in northern India, southern India and eastern China. While in a monastery in southern India, he worked for the rights of those born into the lower castes and helped to raise thirty boys with the understanding that they are all inconceivably valuable, regardless of social position. This included leading peaceful protests and organized community efforts to overcome the injustice of the caste system.
Soryu teaches meditation techniques at residential retreats around the US and internationally, one-on-one in Vermont, over the phone and the Internet and through text messages, and in local schools and youth centers. To bring mindfulness and selflessness to more people, He runs a non-profit named the Center for Mindful Learning that maintains a full-time training program for 10 residents and who help him run the Modern Mindfulness for Schools program. He feels blessed to have the chance to provide meditation guidance as a full-time job.